[Policy Statement on Core Labor Requirements]
Nakashoshiko is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace where all employees are treated with dignity and respect to maximize their talents.
- Prohibition of Child Labor We prohibit any form of labor that interferes with compulsory education, poses dangers or harm to individuals under the age of 18 or violates applicable laws and regulations.
- Prohibition of Forced Labor We strictly prohibit any form of forced labor, including involuntary or coerced labor against an individual’s will.
- Elimination of Discrimination in Employment and Occupation We are committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination or harassment in employment and occupation based on factors such as nationality, creed, gender, and others. We respect the rights and dignity of all employees.
- Respect for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining We uphold the freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining as defined by the established rules and regulations. We encourage open and constructive communication between labor and management to foster harmonious relations.